Even More Benefits For Five Year, Ten Year Members.
Includes being featured on our State Chapter's website.
Ten Year Members are also featured on our Local Cities' web pages.
See the On-line Application for Complete Details.
1. Your NAIREB Membership Web Page
Your personalized NAIREB web page promotes you as a member of the
National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers SM.
Your NAIREB page also link directly to your current business website, promoting your business and
increasing the value of your business page to your clients and to search engines like Google.
Click Here ~ View A Sample (NAIREB Executive Director's Web Page)
You also have the opportunity to be selected as the Featured New Member and receive another web page promoting you and your business on every major page on the National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers SM website! Each month NAIREB selects one new Member to be featured as our
Featured New Member.
We encourage all Members to link their personal real estate website to their NAIREB web page.
This lets your Clients know that you are part of a National Association that gives you information and tools to serve them better, locally and nationwide!
2. When you join the National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers SM
you also get a membership in at least 3 other Real Estate Associations!
The International Real Estate Brokers Association SM
The American Real Estate Brokers Association SM
and The Independent Real Estate Brokers Association for your State
You'll also have the opportunity to join at least one other Real Estate Association,
that you can choose when you're completing your NAIREB Membership Application.
3. National Relocation & Referral Network SM
The National Association of REALTORS' (R) research discovered
"33% of Home Buyers Come from Out of Town"
The National Relocation & Referral Network SM refers Home Buyers & Sellers
who are relocating to NAIREB Real Estate Brokers across the United States.
(Referral fees are set by Referring Brokers or companies. Our primary referral
companies offer referrals to our Members for a 25% referral fee, per closed transaction.)
The National Relocation & Referral Network SM receives its largest numbers of
Buyer & Seller Referrals from the National Home Values Network SM.
NAIREB Members are encouraged to refer all Buyer & Seller leads through the
National Relocation & Referral Network SM

Educated Buyers & Sellers Know You Need A Network!
The Advantage in the Listing Presentation,
The Advantage with Relocation Buyers!
4. Educational Opportunities
Top Real Estate Trainers, Brokers and Business Affiliates are invited to teach
best business practices & information to NAIREB Members.
Our classes are taught through Web Audios and Web Videos. We also use Conference Classes for small group training and coaching. Conference Classes are seminars that are given on the telephone. Members are invited to attend seminars FREE. For Conference Classes, Members just cover their own long distance charges to make the call to attend. Web Audios and Web Videos are emailed to Members through a special link on our website, exclusively for our Members.
[This benefit is currently on hold while we look for more approved Real Estate Trainers to volunteer.]
If you have a suggestion for a Class, or you would be interested in teaching one,
please e-mail us at:
5. Networking Opportunities
Network with other Real Estate Brokers.
NAIREB Real Estate Brokers can assist you in building your business. Local Chapters are great places to network with other Real Estate Brokers, where established. Meeting dates, times, locations and membership fees are established by Local Chapters.
We also offer networking for our Members who live in an area without an active local chapter.
Our "Business By The Brokers"SM eCoaching allows our Member Real Estate Brokers to ask questions and get answers to acheive the success that they desire, by sending e-mails to:
Members get one extra year added to their membership for every new Member who joins NAIREB based on their recommendation. All new Members are asked to list the name of the referring Member on their application (only one Member can receive credit for each new Member).
6. Professional Development
We find the best Products, Training & Services to recommend to our Members,
sometimes at significant discounts. Members currently receive a rebate on the CBC,
Certified Buyers ConsultantSM professional designation.
For more information about this rebate email us at:
7. Leadership Opportunities
Consider serving as a Leader at the Local, State or National Levels.
The National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers SM is always interested in discovering Leaders for every level of the association.
Members must have a three, five, ten year membership to serve as an Officer.
Currently, the National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers SM requires all Officers to be members of the National Association of REALTORS (R), too.
Members are encouraged to start as Leaders by working to build or begin Local Chapters.
If you're interested in serving as a Leader, please let us know
when you complete your membership application.
Notice: NAIREB is working to create a National Multiple Listing Service as a future benefit option for Members. Details about the National Brokers MLS SM will be announced once it's complete.
(It is our goal to continually improve benefits for Members. At NAIREB, we do our best to keep this website updated to reflect any changes, however changes may be made as needed by NAIREB without notice.)